Vortrag 'Research-Creation in More-Than-Epistemic Worldings'
Vortrag und Diskussion mit Christoph Brunner am 24. Juni 2019 Eine Veranstaltung der Gesellschaft für künstlerische Forschung
Other Knowledges and Knowledges Otherwise? – Research-Creation in More-Than-Epistemic Worldings
While the discourse on artistic research has taken many forms and developed across several disciplinary boundaries, the concern with knowledge and the epistemological values of artistic research practices maintain a certain dominance. The question how artistic practices generate “other knowledges” or forms of knowledge that are less cognitive and more sensuous, intuitive or implicit remain in the hegemonic realm or Western thought and its subsumed fields such as philosophy and aesthetics. In a first move, I will engage with post- and decolonial critiques of knowledge and the claim for an “epistemic disobedience” (Mignolo) before turning towards what I call „more-than-epistemic worldings.“ The key challenge for such aesthetic re-distributions of sensible fields resides in seeking out situated yet translocally intertwined practices and their capacities to resist their capture and deployment in another aesthetic and epistemic regime for the sake of semiocapitalist value extraction. In that sense I want to ask if research-creation practices in more-than epistemic worldings allow for a “holding open” (van Dooren), for ways of noticing and encountering that do not undermine the forms of violence present in earthly life but propose a gentleness of words, thoughts, and acts that enable new modes of existence to co-emerge joyously.
Zeit: 24. Juni 2019, 19:30 Ort: Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7, 99423 Weimar, Van der Velde Gebäude, Raum 116