Publikation: Julia Bee – Writing through the Milieu

Veröffentlichung von Julia Bees Sammelbandbeitrag Writing through the Milieu. Social Mobility and Queer/Feminist Critique as Existential Practices

Bee_Taking Sides

Als Teil des Sammelbandes Taking Sides. Theories, practices, and Cultures of Partcipation in dissent, herausgegeben von Elke Bippus, Anne Ganzert und Isabell Otto, erscheint Anfang Oktober 2021 Julia Bees Beitrag Writing through the Milieu. Social Mobility and Queer/Feminist Critique as Existential Practices.

Auszug aus Julia Bees Beitrag Titel
»In this paper, I will discuss Didier Eribon’s recent books , Société comme verdict and more specifically, his more conceptual collection of essays Principes d’une pensée critique in relation to my own teaching and writing as well as in regard to modes of writing in academic contexts. Both teaching and writing are key scenarios of taking a side/site. I want to propose re-thinking forms of academic and biographical writing like Eribon’s as an “existential territory (Guattari 1996: 134) which is not simply a place but a milieu for new individuations or subjectivities to emerge. By producing situated knowledge of and from the side/site of his social background, Eribon entangles two operations: in considering his social milieu he both affirms his background and investigates it as a place of departure or ‘anchoring point’ by leaving this place of shame and self-destruction. Thus, Retour à Reims is at once both a return and a new becoming, an entanglement of past and future acts of subjectivation (Foucault 1986, 2005).
(Julia Bee »Writing through the Milieu. Social Mobility and Queer/Feminist Critique as Existential Practices«, in: Elke Bippus, Anne Ganzert u. Isabell Otto (Hg.), Taking Sides. Theories, practices, and Cultures of Partcipation in dissent, 2021, S. 205–223, hier S. 205.)

Inhaltsbeschreibung des Sammelbandes
Is there an option to oppose without automatically participating in the opposed? This volume explores different perspectives on dissent, understanding practices, cultures, and theories of resistance, dispute, and opposition as inherently participative. It discusses aspects of the body as a political instance, the identity and subjectivity building of individuals and groups, (micro-)practices of dissent, and theories of critique from different disciplinary perspectives. This collection thus touches upon contemporary issues, recent protests and movements, artistic subversion and dissent, online activism as well as historic developments and elemental theories of dissent.

Taking Sides. Theories, practices, and Cultures of Partcipation in dissent erscheint Anfang Oktober 2021 bei transcript, Bielefeld. Es ist als Taschenbuch für 45€ zu erwerben und in digitaler Version kostenlos zugänglich.

Guattari, Félix (1996): »Institutional Practices and Politics, an Interview by Jacques Pain«, in: Gary Genosko (ed.), The Guattari Reader, Oxford: Blackwell, p. 121-138.
Foucault, Michel (1986): The History of Sexuality, Volume 3: The Care of the Self. New York: Vintage.

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